"Carrying a heavy burden? Come rest in Jesus. Worship our Creator and Redeemer with us on the Bible’s seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday)."

Live Stream

Every Saturday
1st Worship Service – 8:30 am
Sabbath School – 9:45 am
2nd Worship Service – 11:00 am

228 W. Lexington Ave.
Fort Wayne, IN 46807

Sermon Archives

We invite you to view the collection of previous recordings of sermons.

Online Giving

To give your tithes and offerings online, click on the Donate button below.

Get Involved

To find out what Ministries you can get involved with in our church, click on the Learn More button below.


Dr. David DeRose
If you have been looking for a multiethnic faith community that loves Jesus and His Word, you need look no further than the Fort Wayne First Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Indeed, we welcome people of all backgrounds to worship with us, study together, and engage in practical acts of service. Following Jesus’ model of ministry, we seek to impact the whole person health of our neighbors in Fort Wayne. We are committed to teaching, mentoring, producing quality online content, and offering practical health programs, as well as providing solid spiritual resources.

Examples of our multifaceted outreach include our twice monthly “open house” at our community services center where we provide food and clothing to those in need; our Aboite Christian School that offers Christian elementary education in a safe, nurturing environment; Our Pathfinder Club that provides an overtly Christian alternative to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, open to any youth between grades 5 to 12 regardless of denominational affiliations; and a variety of community health programs that help educate the public on how to care for themselves without expensive drugs and surgeries.

Of course our solid commitment to God’s Word is reflected in our Wednesday night midweek service and in our Saturday morning worship services and Sabbath school classes.

Most importantly, I invite you to not only read about what we do, but to actually join us in one of the ways we interface with our community. I look forward to meeting you during your next visit to the Fort Wayne First Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Sincerely yours,
David DeRose, MD, MPH, MAPMin


Evangelistic Meeting Prayer Group








To participate in the prayer group, join us on Zoom by clicking on the Zoom button below. 
Or call us at (312) 626-6799 and use Meeting ID: 955 1424 4722 # and press 971537# for Participant ID

The Upward Look

A Daily Audio Devotional: These 2-5 minute messages will be taken from the classic Christian devotional entitled “The Upward Look.”


Lots of Ways to Get Involved.

Community Services

The Community Services provides food and clothing the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. Our hours are from 10:00 AM until 12 noon. We also offer Seventh-day Adventist literature, correspondence Bible studies, and prayer for those who are in need.

Life Center

Women's Ministry

Senior Ministry

The Senior Ministry has three goals they want to accomplish. They want to identify and help those in need, want to give of their time and talents, and want to HAVE FUN!

Prayer Ministry

Men's Ministry

Music Ministry

The music ministry department  strives to help each member of the church grow in Jesus through music. We believe that God created each one of us to be instruments with the ability to sing and to make music. Click here if you are willing to provide special music or if you want to join the praise team and the church choir. Colossians 3:16 - "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom, teaching, and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

Visitation Ministry

Health Ministry

Pathfinder Club

The Pathfinder Club is a ministry of the church that works specifically with the cultural, social and religious education of children and teens. Boys and girls, grades 5 to 12 may join our club which is part of a worldwide club.

Though similar in many respects to scouting, Pathfinders have a stronger spiritual emphasis on all their activities. The Pathfinder Club has been an official component of the Seventh-day Adventist church's youth ministry since 1950.

Family Ministry

Youth Ministry

Our Purpose, Vision & Mission

Purpose: “Coming to Jesus – Becoming like Jesus – Overcoming in Jesus”

We believe the goal of Christian discipleship is to become like Jesus. This is our central purpose. In 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, the Bible says: “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.” When we focus on “becoming like Jesus,” we find the Key to “overcoming in Jesus” because He is the only One who lived a sinless life on Earth and because He is the One who has promised to make us holy! However, before we can become like Him, we must first begin the journey of “coming to Jesus.” As the text above declares, the One who makes us holy is also the One who calls us. Therefore, our purpose is to help people progress in their ongoing journeys of “coming to Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and overcoming in Jesus.”

Our Purpose, Vision & Mission

Vision: “A community that reflects the love of Jesus”

Jesus said in John 13:35: “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” By these words and others that Jesus spoke, we can conclude that self-sacrificing love is the identifying mark of God’s people. As Jesus took up His cross for our sake, so too does He call those who would come after Him to deny themselves and take up their crosses to follow Him (Matt. 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23). Therefore, as disciples of Jesus, our vision is for “a community that reflects the love of Jesus” to each other and the world He died to save.

Our Purpose, Vision & Mission

Mission: “Making disciples for Jesus”

Our mission has been given to us by Christ Himself in Matthew 28:19-20 where He says: “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” On the basis of this Great Commission, our mission is to honor Christ by “making disciples for Jesus,” welcoming people of all nations to be part of the Family of God and teaching them to obey everything He taught us to do.

Latest Message

How Is Your Ar(c)k?

Charles M. Cammack
February 19, 2022

Creation . Redemption . Restoration .


We Gather Every Saturday

Online Bible Study
Tuesdays 8:00–9:00pm

Prayer Meeting
Wednesdays 7–8pm

1st Worship Service
Saturdays 8:30–9:30am

Sabbath School
Saturdays 9:45–10:45am

2nd Worship Service
Saturdays 11–12:30pm


Upcoming Events

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